Jerry Thrasher

Affiliate Marketing Income

How to earn passive income from your website? I am often asked this question. Most people think you can just put up a link or banner and instantly generate monthly income. Although that may work for a few, the rest of us have to do a little more work for it to pay off. What is affiliate marketing? If you are new…

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25 Free Do-Follow Article Submission Sites

More Article Submission Sites Article submission can be a great way to build back links and generate traffic. I recommend submitting to high page ranking sites that allow a “do follow.” If submitting the same article to more than one site be sure to mix up your articles to avoid duplicate content. 25 High PR Free Article Submission Sites 2014 This…

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Duplicate Content

Duplicate Content is BAD? Bad Duplicate Content In most cases duplicate content is bad. Google crawls the web and when it finds the same content on more than one site it gives credit to only one site. Generally, the search engine gives credit to the more authoritative website. Plus, Google can place a small penalty on the websites with copied content. Even…

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Scaling Up Social Media Engagement

Companies are Scaling Up Written by Matt Foulger. Originally posted on HootSource. How Companies are Scaling Up It’s important to know where your business stands before you head down the path towards broad social adoption across your employee base. But regardless of your industry, your company will eventually fall behind if it doesn’t formulate a plan for connecting customers with employees throughout…

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Collaboration – Relationships

Enable Collaboration and Relationships Written by Matt Foulger. Originally posted on HootSource. Enable Collaboration and Relationships Executives seem to be listening. IBM’s worldwide survey of 1700 CEOs reveals that business leaders see customer centricity and employee engagement as integral aspects of the same transformative mission. According to the report’s authors, CEOs now see technology primarily as an “enabler of collaboration and relationships”.…

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Company Thought Leaders

Don’t Keep Your Thought Leaders Hidden Written by Matt Foulger. Originally posted on HootSource. Embrace your Inner Thought Leaders Follower and friend counts are only part of the story. When the impact of their social messaging is considered, employee advocates look like marketing powerhouses. The Edelman Trust Barometer reveals that 50% of the international public consider employees either extremely credible or very…

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Employee Evangelists

Employees Are Your Best Advocates Written by Matt Foulger. Originally posted on HootSource. Anatomy of a Brand Advocate Invested in your brand’s success Willing to defend your company Aligned with your core objectives In social media, there is nothing more powerful than someone advocating for your brand. Advocates give their friends, families and colleagues trusted advice that is far more credible than…

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